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Savasana allows the body to integrate the benefits of the preceding practice, promoting muscular relaxation, reducing blood pressure, and calming the nervous system.
Savasana is often seen as a simple resting posture, but it's one of the most important parts of Yoga practice. This pose allows your body and mind to fully absorb the benefits of the practice and integrate the energy you've cultivated during your session. In Savasana, your nervous system shifts into a state of deep relaxation, helping to reduce stress and promote healing. By skipping this vital pose, you miss a great opportunity to reset.
If you find it uncomfortable or challenging to lie down on your back comfortably in Savasana, there are several modifications and alternatives you can explore to make the posture more accessible and enjoyable. For instance, you can elevate the upper body or place a blanket under the knees to relieve discomfort in the lower back or hips.
For maximum Yoga benefits, the gurus suggest that we practice this pose for 10 minutes every day and at the end of EVERY Yoga class and it should never be avoided or skipped.